Finally got back to Hartford after some serious airplane delays and an overnight in NJ - met up with Pam and Brian at the boathouse and went for a December 30th spin in their new Hudson 2X -it was fantastic glass water, not too cold, and Brian did a great job of steering the river. It really showed me where my fitness and rowing skill separated. For all of the lifting, body weight exercises, and aerobic conditioning I'm doing, the actual skill involved with placing the blade and suspending for full length was a MAJOR limiting factor. Please be mindful of WHAT you are training for while getting better conditioned and think about the rowing motion continually.
Just finished another workout in the gym - 4 x 12 of deadlifts, pull-ups, ring push-ups and 1000m on the erg. I didn't time it but it was heavier than I've gone in a long time on deads and I went reasonably fast on the 1000s.
Stuff to take care of in the next couple of days:
1. Follow through on a Henley fund raising plan & contact parents
2. Get ready for the beta version of the new website
3. Contact recruits and touch base about regular decision and ED 2 applications
Here's to a great 2007 and an even better 2008!