Worked out today at a Premier Fitness Club in Toronto...a gym with a whole lot of people on cardio machines going slowly and a lot of big bulky people doing machine weights. I did some interval work on the treadmill to warm up, followed by a 21-15-9 of deadlifts, pull-ups, and overhead press mixed in with some sumo/narrow squat jumps. After going through pretty quickly, a guy who looked like a boxer/fighter said - "Are you doing that ******* program?" - I replied "Not the whole way, but I'm using some of the ideas." He said "I use it too, a lot of these people don't even know what it is - they're big but they're not fit."
Interesting stuff. Finished it off with 20' of elliptical and 10' of

What's your idea of fitness? Are you training towards that way?