Monday, June 9, 2008

Just a Day at the Beach

Well...kind of a day at the beach but with a little ergometer testing before hand! The team gathered in a very steamy and humid Ferris Athletic Center this morning to do a little longer distance erging - something we haven't done in quite a while and the results were pretty startling. Everyone saw improvement from the fall (thank goodness) but the maturity and ability to manage the piece both in terms of executing a plan and managing discomfort was apparent. Even with no ergometer time, challenging heat, and little rest I was excited by the standard the team set.

Following that the team drove to the Hammonasset Beach State Park in Madison, CT - it's the longest sandy beach in CT on the Long Island Sound and it's only 45 minutes away. A little rest and relaxation with a little beach breeze was probably preferable to another session on the water. Pictures to come shortly.

Coach Besteman and I met with two excellent recruits around lunch time and are buttoning up final details for our Henley Trip - the draw can be found here

Our travel advance check was delivered today and the Bank of America was wonderful in helping with my requests for wire transfers, bank drafts, currency exchanges, and ATM limit changes (they even stayed open an extra hour to help me sort through everything). They get a check plus for their work today.

Tomorrow - distance work and power.