The Steelers moved to 10 -3 today with a victory over the Dallas Cowboys. It was a somewhat sloppy game played in frigid and windy conditions (sound like winter training anyone?) that both defenses dominated and made the offenses look miserable. The game really reminded me of a rowing race where two crews put each other under immense pressure until only in the last ten strokes was the race decided. The fun part of sports for me is that feeling in the pit of your stomach as you're getting ready to see the unknown!
Also returned from the US Rowing Convention in New Jersey and have a ton of new ideas to synthesize as well as some new points of view for the future of Division III rowing. I'll discuss some of those topics as we move through this reading week at the College.
Also the early decision notification date is coming up very shortly and I can't wait to hear from our recruits about what decisions they receive!