Monday June 27th - rowed at 12:30 PM to give ourselves a less busy time on the course and to get a little more recovery. Went at it pretty hard and did 2 x the Henley Distance (2112 meters) at full rating with no start. Rowed pretty conservative times (slow!) into a pretty strong headwind but did get used to rowing base rating a little more. The ratings were high and also felt high but the second piece felt a little longer as we were able to let the boat do more of the work for us. Tough!
Came back in the evening for 1 session and the wind was still blowing hard. We were able to do some shifts, 5, 7 & 7s and some saw better improvements on the speed coach. Ended the evening playing hearts as the sun went down...Pretty sweet day all the way around.
First opponent on Wednesday was "Thames 'C' who qualified the previous Friday.