Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday Practice Complete

Pretty excellent stuff today in my books - we were blessed with great weather and flat water and I believe we took advantage of it. I think that our practice skills are improving and we're beginning to apply some of the lessons of the past four weeks. Something I'm continuing to learn as a coach is that those lessons may have to be learned and relearned year after year and those growing pains may be the most important to go through. Experiencing the full range of capability in the boat may be important for our long-term development. 

Finally, I'd like to rant a little bit about internet access and cell phone service - does anybody else feel like they're getting completely gouged when it comes to wireless access? A friend of mine mentioned that for a family plan of 3 phones, one with mobile internet and the others equipped to text that they were paying close to $170 a month. At $2040 per year it just seems like an awful lot of money...and now that we're well past that Malcolm Gladwell-esque Tipping Point of numbers of cell phones you can't really function in the digital age without one. 

I'm also pretty upset with the blocking of wireless internet access - I think that's a huge thing that is blocking potential economic growth and the sharing of ideas...yes, there are risks and probably unintended consequences, and this may drive a luddite crazy, but I think there should be basic high-speed internet access across the country that is truly affordable. 

The view from the beach at Lake Quinsigamond...what are you going to see?