8:30 Women's Varsity 8
8:45 Men's Varsity 8
9:00 Women's 2V4 (A)
9:15 Mens 2V 8
9:30 Women's N8
9:45 Men's V4
10:00 Women's V4 (B)
10:15 Men's 1F8
10:30 Women's 2V8
Parents must park at Robertson School – 227 Cross St. in Coventry, CT
Follow directions to the boathouse, http://www.uconnhuskies.com/AllStories/WRowing/2004/04/07/20040407.html , then proceed past the boathouse for .4 miles. The school will be on your left.
Park in UPPER lot – this is important as we want to be considerate of townspeople who are using the school tomorrow morning.
To access the upper lot, enter the 2nd driveway (just past the main school building) and drive through the lower lot. You will then walk down to the lower lot where the bus will be waiting.
Our bus will pick people up at 8 and 9 AM. We will drop people off after the races are finished.
The school is .4 miles from the boathouse. Feel free to walk to the venue.
Please do not park on the road nor at the regatta site. UConn has to apply for a regatta permit from the DEP which stipulates only a certain number of vehicles in the launch site. That number is met with the buses and trailers.
There will not be a tent or cooking on site as well. So any munchies will have to put onto the bus or in the cab of the truck if it is raining. The area around the site is muddy so please bring boots and rain gear. We will be returning to the boathouse to off load if you care to pick up your child there after the unload please do so. If you can not make the event but will be in Hartford in the pm you can come to the boathouse to see a taped delayed broadcast of the racing on the big screen at 12:30. The one proviso is if it is raining we will likely not expose the cameras to the elements.