Also, had a great conversation with one of the other head coaches of a woman's team on campus - we discussed the differing challenges that female scholar athletes face when choosing a college experience and then some of the differences between sports. My argument is that rowers, swimmers, and track runners typically cannot get by on pure skill and need to back it up with disciplined effort; hence if you don't have a certain level of discipline you're not going to enjoy those sports or experience success.
Another question for everyone else: how much can we learn from other sports? We have three athletes that are also swimming for Trinity this winter and I love picking their brains about what we can learn from their training methods, approach to competition, team atmosphere, etc.
Good few games of squash today - a few days of ankle rest and I was far quicker on the court than I have been or perhaps that was just a product of moving better between shots. Boathouse Team Store Link