Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Squash & Leadership

There's been a great initiative amongst the Athletic Department here to start a squash ladder and there are nearly 25 people signed up from coaches, to GAs, to athletic trainers, etc. Finally an outlet for all of the working out that we all do on a daily basis and a means to measure improvement. That's probably what I miss most about rowing in college - the sense of purpose and mission that required my friends/teammates to commit to one goal.

Squash is one heck of a humbling game though and I believe it's particularly analogous to rowing in that the work you put in does not necessarily result in improved performance right away. That's what I'm finding now as I'm trying to add variety and depth to my game - because I'm not good at those skills my opponents are able to take advantage of my attempts at better shots. However, if I only shot the same way every time because I knew I could do it my game would never expand and never develop to a higher level. In some ways, it's kind of like early season races - I think athletes tend to overuse those results as a barometer of future projected performance as opposed to a mirror for their current level of preparation.

Next up - a discussion about leadership - what ways can you exhibit it?