Unbelievable - LG and I went to work on the exercise room floor today with a cleaner, sealer, and finisher using one of the big floor buffers. It gave me a total new found respect for the people who maintain really nice buildings and floors...Our outcome was a little less than uniform but still much improved. The whole place looks brighter and cleaner and we'll complete the edges of the room probably on Friday.
A great weekend of football action as well - every team that I was rooting against on Sunday won and won big! I was looking forward to the following:
- Titans defeat the Jets - I love the idea of a perfect team or a team that is preparing at a high level all the time.
- Dolphins to defeat the Patriots - Bill Parcells bringing a team to the playoffs after going 1-15 last year is a testament to great coaching and personnel moves.
- Eagles defeat the Ravens - I just dislike the Ravens and want the path to the playoffs for the Steelers to be easier.
Instead...none of those things occurred and the Jets, Pats, and Ravens all looked pretty indomitable and impressive (especially those g******m Ravens). As for the Steelers, they're heading to Foxborough this Sunday and I can't wait to see how our defense tries to lock down Randy Moss and have James Harrison and Lamarr Woodley attack Matt Cassel. For having the most challenging schedule that the NFL has seen in the past decade I think the Steelers are doing a pretty nice job (winning and losing some really close games).