Great workout today - very interesting exercises when combined...ring push-ups, ring pull-ups, dead lifts, and double unders with some free hand weighted stair climber. Phew. Traveling tomorrow and may have only sporadic email access - we also need more volunteers for the Henley Committees - please email me as soon as possible so we can implement our plans. Now for some more entertainment...
What teammate would you like to trade places with for one day and why? In terms of actual teammate, I would love to see how it feels to be as strong as Carmel. She is physically incredible and whenever I see her, even if she claims she's having a tough day, she's always going hard. I hope I evolve into a version of this.
What cartoon character do you most relate to?
Minnie Mouse - when I was little, I used to wear a pair of Minnie Mouse ears around all the time, and now my parents call me "Minnie". They even called me that at HOCR this year, and my coxswain Courteney heard them and she calls me Minnie now.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Living on a houseboat in Paris.
List Rowing Accomplishments:
Completing the half marathon on the erg.
If you were stranded on a deserted island what 3 books would you want with you? George's Marvelous Medicine by Roald Dahl, Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger and The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe
List Academic Accomplishments:
Passing Calculus!
How did you decide to row for Trinity? For a while I've been told that I have the "build" of a typical rower, and the coach and some of the rowers were encouraging me to at least try it. After attending one practice and after seeing what a great group of girls the team was made of, I was hooked!
If you could play any other sport what would it be?
Football, because i love it and i miss doing a contact sport!!!
Please describe your most memorable racing experience at Trinity College.
So far... in the handful of fall races I rowed in the best was racing against one of my high school friends and teammates at the Head of the Housatonic and beating her :) I felt very proud of our team because we had beaten some Division I teams.
Are you still in contact with your former teammates? Question posed to a recent graduate…
I am still very much in contact with my former teammates. I speak with 2 on a weekly basis and have visited them since graduation. I am confident that I will be in touch with these women for the rest of my life. When I was looking at colleges, I always asked if the rowers had "a life beyond crew," if they had any non rower friends. By the end of my four years at Trinity, I had friends who were not rowers, but my best friends either were on the team or had once rowed. It takes a special personality-one that is extremely driven but at the same time encouraging to row on a team-my friends/teammates are some of the most intelligent and caring people I have met.