Highlight workout: C2 20' / 45 total repetitions of 2 x 45 lbs dumbbell thrusters / mixed grip pull-ups for time...followed by some shorter sprint intervals on the treadmill. Also did a fair amount of wall climbing, swimming, and interval lifting.
Today's workout: 1000m C2 / 20 ring push-ups / 20 box jumps / 20 95 lbs push presses / 20 walking lunges with 100 lbs / 20 x sumo squat jumps x 3 for time. The middle was pretty mind-scorching.
Somebody asked the question about who the "Get to Know Your Teammate" teammate actually is...the answer is that I'm taking one or two answers from everyone's answers and putting them on the website. Eventually I'll have everyone's name, picture, and questionnaire posted.
What would you like to see on the blog? What questions do you have? Fire me a question at wesley.ng@trincoll.edu and I'll answer them in future posts!