While Pam was hard at work at the boathouse today, I was able to make some good headway on the fund raising front, some contact with alumni both from the 80s and 90s, and making sure that our practice schedule is clear and well thought out for the next four week period.
Many of you have emailed about 2000m preparation and how to approach your pieces - the simple answer above all else is to make sure that you remain humble and recognize that you will have to work extremely hard - however, you won't be able to go any faster than what you have done in practice. The predictor scores you have should give you a sense of what pace makes the most sense.
Finally, I'm extremely proud of those of you who have battled back from physical injuries and are rehabbing intelligently and appropriately and those of you who have gone through motivational injuries and persevered to get to the spring season. How you adapt to, adjust your program, and overcome your challenges reveals much of what will help you succeed later on.