I would highly urge you to remember that this is generally one of the least enjoyable times to be training...
1. We haven't been on the water since October 25th! That 165 days or OVER 5 months that we haven't been training towards our common goal together. Separation from your teammates can be one of the leading causes of lower enthusiasm levels.
Actively seek out those teammates who are feeling blue and haven't been so connected lately. Shared experience is what we need right now...
2. Sunlight! With cloudy, snowy days and colder temperatures nobody gets very much exposure to the sun. Direct exposure to sunlight allows your body to produce vitamin D that is critical for calcium absorption, maintenance of mood, and a lack of it can cause muscle aches and pains. Sitting in a sunny car or in your dormitory room won't make it happen because the UV rays need to directly hit your skin. Get outside and get some sun somehow! Okay, it's raining today...but any other day!
3. Training is hard when you are less motivated and being this far away from competition can certainly affect your motivation. The way to combat this is to set small attainable performance goals and resubscribe to the belief of focusing only on the moment.
4, Overcoming inertia and momentum...the hardest step of any journey is taking that first step. Some times you need to restart and make that hard choice to do something...anything...to get yourself active. Once you get the momentum back in your athletic activity you will definitely feel better.